Monday, April 25, 2016

EdTech 541 Final Blog

I initially signed up for EdTech 541 because up until now, most of my coursework had been focused on strictly online teaching. However, I was planning on broadening my horizons to teach with technology in a physical classroom. This course helped me prepare to do that by focusing on integrating technology into classroom teaching. This class has helped me grow professionally because I learned a variety of integration strategies that I was previously unaware of. Furthermore, it helped me define my teaching philosophy. 

My teaching practice and thoughts have been impacted by this course because I now automatically consider ways to teach using technology in a in-person classroom that I wouldn't have previously.
Many of the lessons I have designed on this website are from constructionist theory. This is because I believe that Students should be given ways to construct their own learning. However, I am also a strong believer in Argumentation Theory because debates and discussion facilitate critical thinking skills in the classroom by encouraging learners to include broader and more thought out perspectives. Finally, I also like to use Transformative learning theory because I think that students are more able to come to a complete understanding, or transform, after deep reflection.

As part of my Masters in Technology program, I will be completing a final portfolio that will emphasize projects I have worked on during the program. I will also be matching these projects to AECT standards. This website helped me to meet the following standards. 

Content Knowledge: I met this standard by creating lesson plans in three content areas that were not traditionally part of International Relations teaching. I demonstrated how technology could be used in those content areas and provided examples of how it could be done.

Content Pedagogy. I met this standard by evaluating current research articles on using technology in teaching environments and applying this knowledge to form a personal technology teaching philosophy.

Learning Environments. I met this standard by focusing on the environment that I actually plan on teaching in next year.

Professional Knowledge and Skills. I discovered a lot of teaching resources. I was also able to discover methods and ways to implement learning that I had not previously considered such as serious games and social media.

Blog Self Assessment: 

Below Expectations


70 points
Rich in content, full of thought, insight and synthesis with clear connections to previous or current content and/or to real life situations made with depth and detail.Substantial information, thought, insight and analysis has taken place with some connection to previous or current content and/or to real life situations but lack of depth and detail.Generally competent in summarizing learning, but information is thin and commonplace with limited connections and vague generalities.Rudimentary and superficial regurgitation of content with no connections and/or completely off topic.
Readings and Resources

20 points
Readings (from course text) and other resource materials are used to support blog comments. APA style is used to cite references.There is some reference to readings and other resource material. No or limited use of APA style references.Little if any reference is made to readings an other course materials.Readings and resources are not mentioned.

20 points
All required postings are made early in the module to give others time to comment.All required postings are made but not in time for others to read and respond.Some or all of the required postings are made, but most are at the last minute without allowing for response time.Some or all of the required postings are missing.
Responses to Other Students

30 Points
Two or more substantial posts with at least one detailed response made to address another students' post.One or more satisfactory posts with at least one satisfactory response made to address another students' post.One satisfactory post with a brief response to another students' post.One brief post or no post at all and no response to another students' post.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Rationale for Assistive/Adaptive Technology

When my son was born, I would have never guessed, predicted, or believed that he would be born with Autism.
 I initially suspected that he had some problems when my mother mentioned it to me when he was nine months old. I can not begin to explain how it is for a mother. It became increasingly complicated when my daughter was also born with some underdevelopment problems. Therefore, you could imagine that I don't need to find research to prove to myself the importance of using adaptive or assistive technology. As a mother, I do not care how much money it takes, tight budgets are something I'm used to.  However, I can understand why those who don't have the equivalent of a second degree in Autism would need an explanation. Lets not forget that it is not just necessary for those with Autism. Every week I take my son to Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, counseling, and Habilitative Intervention, but I only take my daughter to Occupational Therapy, counseling and Habilitative Intervention. You can imagine how many lobbies I have sat in filled with other children like mine and often times with more severe disabilities than my children have. These kids are not just numbers in a budget, they are real. They need the same opportunities as typical children and they will still need them when they reach adulthood.  It is easy to rationalize cutting budgets for a minority of children when they are not your children or your students. I didn't think much about it either before I had mine. It can be difficult for some people to relate to heartfelt stories of personal experience. Logical arguments are needed. 
When children with disabilities get access to technology that can help them function in society, it benefits society as a whole. However, according to Dave Edyburn, without it, "Environmental barriers detract from people's ability to participate in society and perform desired activities"  When those children grow up, they will contribute to society. Therefore, as children, they need access to the best assistance to help them do that. Some of the greatest thinkers, musicians, and artists have or had disabilities. Could you possibly imagine Stephen Hawking without the adaptive or assistive technology and devices that he needs every day? Would he be considered the greatest scientist in the world? It is difficult to predict who the next Einstein will be if his or her school district doesn't see the value of making sure that every child reaches his or her full potential. 

Edyburn, D. L. (2000). Assistive technology and students with mild disabilities. Focus on Exceptional Children, 32(9), 1.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Technology Integration Challenges in Undergraduate Political Science Courses

While completing the BSU EdTech program, I have also been working on the BSU College Teaching Certificate Program. This semester I have been preparing to teach at BSU. Next fall I will be teaching a Political Science Undergraduate Course. It has certainly been challenging to transfer skills I have learned online to the campus teaching program. I was first made keenly aware of the challenges by observing a current BSU course that is intensely traditional in its delivery. I was not sure how to approach the challenges I faced when I was required to substitute teach in it. I became quickly aware that the challenge of integrating technology in undergraduate political science courses is related to the bigger challenge of rigid traditional teacher centered teaching methods. When I was an undergraduate in the Political Science program, many of the courses that I attended were based on lectures, tests, and writing papers. Although some instructors are working on integrating technology by discussing Game Based Theory or providing class session recordings on Blackboard, changes in teaching methods may need to come at a slower pace due to the nature of the program and the field. 
In my teaching course, we are strongly encourages to integrate activity based learning. This is an approach that encourages the use of technology and tech tool integration. This brings up obvious challenges. For example, paper writing is still central to the Political Science Department curriculum, but student centered learning calls for creating artifacts using online tech tools instead. If I use the artifact alternative next fall, will my students feel like they should have been writing papers instead? Artifacts can't be submitted to journals for publication and are not used when applying for graduate schools. Will the other teachers in the department view me as a legitimate teacher when I cater to student needs? Sink or swim attitudes are still ingrained in the teaching style of tenured faculty. Students. Perhaps instructors still resist constructionist approaches. Some scholars (Kirschner,Sweller,& Clark) argue against them as well
In conclusion, I will have my work cut out for me next year when I will be required to implement technology and student centered teaching approaches in a environment where the other teachers in the field are still not ready.  

Kirschner, P. A., Sweller, J., & Clark, R. E. (2006). Why minimal guidance during instruction does not work: An analysis of the failure of constructivist, discovery, problem-based, experiential, and inquiry-based teaching. Educational psychologist, 41(2), 75-86.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Integrating Technology into Political Science Education

Using Technology in Political Science Courses is forward thinking. Students already use technology outside of the classroom. Therefore, it makes sense to use it inside the classroom as well. It makes teaching purposeful, activity based, and transformative.
It is exciting to see how the education field has changed from an instructor based and often exclusive approach to a student based inclusive approach. It is extremely important to view students as individuals. Therefore it is important to design and implement courses in ways that make sense to them by offering a variety of methods and options including technology based ones.
One major reason for integrating technology in lecture classrooms is that it fosters the ability for instructors to implement Web 2.0 in their courses. This includes the use of Blogs, Microblogs, Wikis, Social bookmarking and tagging, RSS and syndication, Social networking, Peer-to-Peer file sharing, Multimedia sharing, Data mashups, Personal Learning environments, and online Academic exchange. (Davis, 2009)
Another reason for integrating technology into the classrooms is because it helps students implement 21st Century learning techniques by providing instructors student centered options for assignments using a host of web tools.(Lever-Duffy, 2002)
Finally,Political Science is not a one size fits all field. It is always fluid. Technology is fluid as well. Therefore we need to demonstrate to our students by adapting to technology if we expect them to adapt to the changing nature of politics.

Davis, B. G. (2009, July 17). Tools for teaching. John Wiley & Sons.
Lever-Duffy, J., McDonald, J., & Mizell, A. (2002, November 1). The 21st-Century Classroom: Teaching and Learning with Technology. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc.